I am not a smart man.
I’ve been called clever sometimes. Periodically witty. And when I was younger, I was handsome.
But smart? Not often. Take the other day, for example, when I bought this:

You’re probably thinking: No way! This is a totally smart and reasonable thing to buy.
Thanks for trying. But it’s going to be a lot of work and probably a lot of expense to get this thing in shape. Still, I’m excited and optimistic. I’m determined to enjoy this thing, whatever it is. We’re going to fix it up, go on short and medium-length trips, we’re going to bring the cats. And you know what? It’ll be fun.
We don’t need to fix it up to showroom quality. I am not a perfectionist. In fact, I think perfectionism is a terrible quality, and it’s a mystery to me why people still put it in resumes and mention it in job interviews. At some point, whatever you’re doing is good enough or as good as it’s going to get, and it’s time to stop and move on. My standards for this thing are pretty low.
I’d like to figure out what year it is. I’d also like to figure out what model it is. We briefly thought it might be a Red Dale, which would be awesome, but those hopes are dwindling.
So there you have it. Please welcome a new category to the blog: Vintage travel trailer. Keep up with us on our “restoration” project.